These aren't required since they're already in the JavaPlugin object, although some people say that. Now that we have set up a basic Java class, a test class, and the pom. First of all, please make sure you have IntelliJ IDEA 11.
Select according to the category below and press next. Create First Java Project Try to import the dependency in your pom. when some of the class names in your project match the names of internal JDK or unrelated library classes). Set the GroupId and ArtifactId in the New Project dialog of IntelliJ.
If the source code of the API or library is not available, IntelliJ IDEA decompiles and debugs it for you. IntelliJ automatically detects that you have a class with a main() method and displays it in the run configurations dropdown. In short, the following code shows how to import a Java class into a Scala application: package imports import javax. The Eclipse 'Build Automatically' feature resolved this issue. When you import or clone a project for the first time, IntelliJ IDEA analyzes it. util package: Try to import the dependency in your pom. Here you'll notice two things, a generated JavaFX class and no errors from missing a package and class (dependent in the module-info. Then browse Try to import the dependency in your pom.